My Journey

Throughout my process of blogging I have grown and expanded my understanding of the blogging world.  Looking back to the start of this experience I found myself puzzled and a little hesitant into what I was going to explore.  My first impressions of blogging was dull — a source of media that was not going to improve my comprehension of writing skills.  I began to walk this path of blogging and thought to myself how could I have a blog that is influential and impactful to a reader.  I wanted to create a blog that would motivate readers and open their eyes into a meaningful topic.  I came to the conclusion to talk about success.

Now, success is a broad topic and can be taken in different ways.  I wanted to pin-point three areas that I have found in my life to be the most crucial aspects.  Success is something everyone wants, but I wanted to seek the deeper meaning of success.  I tried to connect this valuable item called success into my readers in order for them to think about their own life.  Readers want to be able to grab what the text is saying and make correlations into their own lives.  Blogging is a great place where writing can be expressed in many different ways and an article I read on Huffington explains these different styles.  Some of the main points in this article that connect to my life at the moment are making a difference, share your knowledge, and refine writing styles.

I did not want to make my blog too focused on myself, but in other words reflect on how I have came in contact with success and teach others how they can implement success into their own lives.  I started off with my first post touching upon the area of knowing your own success.  Success is not just about the money you have or the clothes you wear.  Success shapes the person you are and can be taken in multiple ways.  I wanted to create my opening post that would help the reader engage themselves into my blog.  I scratched the surface about what success means to me and how to find your own success in your life.


Sanchez, Mark Baker. Success Is a JourneyCrated,
MA. Accessed 3 Apr. 2017.

My next post I felt an urge to add something on the other side of the spectrum, which would create depth into my topic success.  I wanted to add a layer of difficultly and that layer was failure.  Failure I felt would create a blog with multiple perspectives so the reader could understand what creates success.  In this piece I explained how failure is one of the greatest teachers in life.  Failures are not the most exciting topic to talk about, but is something everybody will experience.  This post would be the link to success and help me branch off into others areas to explore.  Failure is a post that I created, to have more of a motivational feel to the piece.  I tried to explain how failure can change the way you think about things.  Learning from your mistakes can create a impactful feeling to do better.  I added more of a reflection quality to the piece so it would open the readers eye into how success is achieved.  Branching off of failures I thought about my next post and how you should go about dealing with failures.  I looked at articles about success and read peoples stories on how they dealt with failures.  When I thought about these stories of other people and thinking to myself I grabbed onto the process of planning.

Time to plan concept

“Gender Planning.” Eige,
gender-planning. Accessed 3 Apr. 2017.

Planning is an attribute that can directly help with failures.  If you can plan well and prepare for the worst you can better deal with those failures.  Obstacles can hold you back from accomplish your dreams in life.  If you can prepare for those obstacles you can get by them much faster and easier.  Successful people always talk about how they planned and constantly tried to get ahead of the game.  In this piece I wanted to allow the reader into who I am and explain how planning is apart of my life.  I discussed the process of writing goals everyday and striving to push myself.  I tried to create a blog that would encourage others to plan and create an incentive to strive for more.  I opened up myself into the blog and gave the reader an outlet to look at.


“Civilhetes.” Civilhetes, 28 June 2016,
a-sejk-megszolal-fejezzuk-be-vagy-nyissuk-meg. Accessed 3 Apr. 2017.

Throughout my weeks of blogging I learned that I can express myself and not get caught up in the normal way of writing.  Blogging can be free floating and flow along the boundaries of English.  You do not need to structure your piece in the standard five paragraph writing style.  I tried to implement deeper meanings into my blog so that the reader could take some pieces with their own opinion.  I tired to balance the styles of reflexive and reflective throughout my posts, so I could create a flowing piece.  This unique source of the internet called blogging has opened my eyes into why blogging is important.  In todays time technology is a crucial part of our lives and blogging takes advantage of this.  I have enjoyed blogging and am glad to have a place where you can write about anything for the world to see.  Blogging is a blank canvas for a writer to express who they are and allow others to come into their lives.  As a new blogger I would like to leave the readers with this quote.  A quote that I found has summed up what blogging means and is a quote that has clicked with me in this blogging experience.

“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.” – Andrew Sullivan


Having a plan…

Success is not a way of life where you can go with the flow and expect to get the results you want in life.  In order for you to strive for the best you need to do it in the most efficient way.  Reaching for your goals needs planning and time management.  Make the most of your time each and every day.  People who become successful live their lives with purpose.  People need to stretch themselves and write down their priorities of the day.


“Failing to Plan Is Planning to Fail Quote #5535567.” QuoteAddicts, Accessed 18 Mar. 2017.

Make a list each morning or the day before at night saying what you want to accomplish in your day.  In the article Success, the author clearly defines how writing down what you want to achieve is something that can impact your life in a big way.  The benefits of doing this gives you something to shoot for.  Knowing what you want to accomplish in the day will help keep your mind set on the prize.  Being able to read what tasks you set for yourself will make you want to complete them.  I try to do this each day with my homework and other tasks such as, learning about the functions of the body, taking notes on surgery procedures, or making connections with other people.  My big picture goal is to become a surgeon and each day I write down steps that will help me reach that goal.


“Write down Your Goals for the Day.” WordPress, Saint Joseph’s College, 12 Mar.
2014, Accessed 18 Mar. 2017.

I try to learn something new in that area each day such as, researching surgery procedures, taking notes on how they preform the surgery, learning the functions of the body, learning the bones/muscles, and the learning different uses of tools are all topics that I try to implement into my day in order to be the most productive.  Time is not something you can get back so I try to use my time in the most efficient way possible.  I want to put myself ahead of others and learn topics that will help me in the future in accomplishing the goal of becoming a surgeon.  Writing your tasks down does not mean you have to write multiple goals.  You might want to write one goal and have smaller steps that you will do that day.  Do not overwhelm yourself with multiple tasks or too large of goals.


“The GPS LifePlan Your Goal Setting Workshop.” GPS Lifeplan, 2014,
GoalSettingFINAL012814.html. Accessed 18 Mar. 2017.

The purpose of having a plan is so you can gauge yourself throughout the day in order to be productive.  Keep yourself busy so you get in the habit of being productive.  Once you get in the wrong habit of not using your time efficiently it will push you back from being successful.  Stay productive so you can train yourself in accomplishing goals, small or large.  Having a plan does not only create a path for you to follow, but leads you to your destination.


“Abraham Lincoln.” Lifehack Quotes,
if-we-could-first-know-where-we/. Accessed 18 Mar. 2017.

“If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could better judge what to do, and how to do it.” Abraham Lincoln

This quote by Abraham Lincoln in his election speech is a perfect example showing the importance of planning.  If you know where you stand and where you are trying to go, you can have an easier road to your goal.  Find your foundations in life and think about where you stand in life on your journey to your goal.  I think in my life planning has gone a long way.  I feel that my time management skills put me ahead of others and planning is the reason for this.  When looking at the past I have challenged myself to be ahead of others.  Becoming a surgeon is a huge task, but I have put myself in a great position taking advantage of any opportunity that presents itself.  Plan ahead and expect the unexpected in order to be prepared for obstacles.  Success and planning go hand in hand.  Create your road map because it will lead you to your destination and usually the easiest way to get there.


Success is obviously not an easy task.  It is filled with many obstacles, some higher or more daunting then others.  These can be the spots in your way of achieving success in your life and can cause failures to arise.  Failures are apart of life that are unavoidable, but take advantage of your failures.


“Failure and Success.” Faze, Sharif Khan, 8 Apr. 2015,
breakfast-of-failures/. Accessed 12 Feb. 2017.

Failures can be some of the greatest teachers of your life and can make you become the person you are today.  In this society people overlook failures and focus too much on not failing.  Failing creates a mindset of learning and showing us how not to do something.  You can change your approach and be more willing to stretch yourself.  One of the greatest examples of failure is a memorable event that we should follow by.


“Failure Quote.” Quotes with the Words Failure, combiboilersleeds, 21 Nov. 2014, Accessed 12 Feb. 2017.

In the article Failure; written by Pauline Estrem, the author discusses why failure is good for success.  Thomas Edison failed over 1,000 times trying to create the lightbulb.  Someone asked him how did it feel to fail over 1,000 times.  His response was, “The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.”  He did not stop after the 3rd attempt or the 999th try, he continued to adapt, change, and overcome his mistakes.  This is what it takes to accomplish success.  If success was easy everyone would be successful, full of money and happiness.  Those you think they can take short cuts only get farther away from success.  There are no short cuts, their is only choices.  Choices can be perceived through determination and willingness.  If you chose to train longer then anyone else, go through the blood, sweat, and tears; their are no short cuts into achieving that decision.  I will leave you on one note, think about some of your greatest victories, were they the easiest?  Some of your greatest victories are those that are the hardest.

I can relate to many of these topics throughout my life.  I have failed multiple times, whether it was at the sport I love or a test in school I have tried to take those failures and learn from them.  In the article I learned many principles that I can apply into my daily life.  Turn your mistakes into something useful for the future.  Continue to push on and stay committed to what you put your mind to.  Do not be afraid to take risks or fail because that is only holding yourself back from your full potential.

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” -Colin Powell


Know your success…

When asking young people what kind of life they want to have in the future, the general answer falls along the lines of a good job and successful foundation for my future.  All of these traits relate to the simply word success.  Success is a puzzling area that can be perceived in multiple ways.  People throughout their life contemplate over success.  Whether they want success in a sport or they want success in their job, success is limitless.  Success is something that can be seen through items in many eyes, but what about the values that people gain through the success.


“Success.” Getting Smart, Adam Renfro, 24 July 2013,
07/goooooaaaals-need-to-be-tracked/. Accessed 11 Feb. 2017.

Success can be deeper than just the clothes they wear, the house they live in, or the cars they drive.  People can become stronger and more devoted to what they put their minds to.  Success is something that is shown through your determination and drive to reach your goals.  Living by the mindset of going out and reaching your goals is a success.  Live your life with passion and purpose.  Having a positive mindset and trusting yourself is what creates a more impactful life.  Do what you love and go get the goals.  Tell yourself what you want to achieve each and every day; make yourself create a habit to strive to succeed.


“Success Depends on You.” Sherry Starnes Online, Sherry Starnes, 14 Feb. 2016, Accessed 11 Feb.

Even the littlest victory such as finishing a paper builds the mindset of achieving a goal.  Do not let yourself slip away from what you want to achieve.  When looking into the bigger picture of having a wealthy and happy life, it is difficult to see the steps into reaching that goal.  There are so many different routes to take that can accomplish that goal.  Success can be measured through the way you go about your day.  If you enjoy the simply and down to earth way of living; that is your success.  If it is glamorous and high standard living that is how you measure your success.  What it comes down to is knowing that you are going to make an impact with your life and are going to strive for greatness.  Do not give anything less then your best.  A fabulous example explaining these actions is in the article “Success” under the topic “Reaching Your Potential.” I believe that those you are willing to take risks and make sacrifices are the ones who succeeded in their goals. Push yourself and challenge what you are capable.  People have to measure their own success on how they go about accomplishing the dreams.  If you want success, put yourself in the spot that can grab those victories in order for you to succeed.  Wake up early and put yourself ahead of others.  The day you stop pursuing that goal is the day someone else will pass you.  Do not quit and continue to run, run until you cross the finish line and start again with a new race.  Once you reach one goal or dream their is always the next accomplishment to go get.

For example, Richard St. John in “Secrets of success” explains what he has found through his multiple interviews.  He talks about what he has learned from those who have already become successful.  He discusses what common traits are needed to become the most successful in life.

Having a purpose and plan in your life will create its own success.  Instead of focusing on becoming successful create yourself into someone who has value and is able to make an impact with your life.


“Albert Einstein Quotes about Success.” Quotesta, Sherrill Chenevert, 8 Feb.
2016, Accessed 11
Feb. 2017.